Table of contents


Yana Milev, Design Anthropology: Outline of an Expanded Concept of Design in the Field of the (Empirical) Cultural Sciences

Book 1

ClusTer I : DesIgN CulTure


Agent (Network) Culture as Design Culture

1. Tom Holert, Distributed Agency, Design’s Potentiality

Counter Culture as Design Culture

2. Ulf Wuggenig, The Return of the Plague of Ornaments

Disaster Culture as Design Culture

3. Jean Baudrillard, The Power of the Global: Requiem for the Twin Towers

Global Culture as Design Culture

4. Evert Ypma, Design as Global Lingo

Urban Culture as Design Culture

5. Elisabeth Blum, Dialectics without Reconciliation. How Urbanism lags behind Urban Reality VE/1 Elisabeth Blum, The Ethnographer’s Glance

Visual Culture as Design Culture

6. Birgit Richard, The World Trade Center (WTC) Image Complex: On the Culture of the Shifting Image

Book 2

ClusTer II : segNo


Semiotic Conceptions

7. Aleida Assmann, Problems in the Explication of Occidental Sign Conceptions
8. Elize Bisanz, The Triadic Mind: Peirce’s Semeiotic Concept of Designing the World through Signs
VE/2 Yana Milev & R+, Rammstein_Semiology C: Commentary by Yana Milev: Rammstein_Semiology

Semiocracy (Simulacrum, Hyperreality)

9. Daniel Hermsdorf, The 1,000 Lies of Cinema: On Baudrillard’s Term ‘Simulation’ and its Relevance for Film Theory
10. Saroj Giri, Sights and Sounds at the Jaipur Literature Festival 2011
VE/3 Marc Bijl, Burning Signs

Semioclash (Semiotic Deconstruction, Critical Semiotics)

11. Mark Dery, Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing, and Sniping in the Empire of the Signs VE/4 Princess Hijab, Hijabism = Hijabizing Advertisements
C: Commentary by Angelique Chrisafis: Burka & Gabanna: The Adbusting of Princess Hijab

ClusTer III: MyThus


Designing the Myth of the Other

12. Henk Oosterling, The Myth of Modernity Interrogated: Oedipus and the Dogon
13. James Clifford, Taking Identity Politics Seriously: “The Contradictory, Stony Ground…”
VE/5 Roger Ballen, Boarding House
C: Commentary by Yana Milev: I FINK U FREEKY: On Roger Ballen’s Search for Traces

Designing Myths of Everyday Life

14. Molly Nesbit, Ready-Made Originals: The Duchamp Model
15. Christof Zotter and Janina Karolewski, Ritual Design: A Popular Term and its Scientific Applications
VE/6 Elisabeth von Samsonow, Ariadne—a Ritual of Everyman’s Life
C: Commentary by Elisabeth von Samsonow: Ariadne, the Sacred Patron of Ritual Design

Designing Myths in Exhibiting and Media Practices

16. Fareed Armaly, ‘New Muse’: Museum Exhibition Design as Hubris
17. Alexander Kluge, Contemporary Ballads: The Narrative Power of the Catastrophe as seen through its Images
VE/7 Bill Viola, The Greeting
C: A Commentary by Bill Viola: The Greeting

ClusTer IV: TeChNe



18. Michael Tomasello, Gestural Conventions
19. Thomas Metscher, The Logos as Designing Power of Cultures
VE/8 AOBBME, Ambulance of the In/Human


20. Rudolf Maresch, Virtus: The Medium of Immersion


21. Tim Lenoir, Contemplating Singularity


VE/9 Bureau d’Etudes, Mapping the In/Human
22. Brian Holmes, Future Map
23. Friedrich von Borries, Climate Capsules or: The Dymaxion of the 21st Century
VE/10 Mikael Mikael, Show You Are Not Afraid

Book 3

ClusTer V: DesIgN PolITICs


Design Politics

24. Boris Groys, Politics of Self-Design
25. Boyan Manchev, Performative Design of Life: Perverse Capitalism vs. ‘Aisthetic’ Materialism
VE/11 Kai Löffelbein, Kids of Sodom: The Dark Side of IT Design Industries

Political Design

26. Branka Ćurčić, Ideology of Design: From a Socialist Perspective on Design to it’s Neo-Liberal-Transformation in Ex-Yogoslavia
27. Hal Foster, Design and Crime: A Sketch for a Political Economy of Design
VE/12 Jürgen Mayer H., HIDE-OUT: Camouflages in Architecture and Public Spaces

Designing the Political

28. Chantal Mouffe, Agonistic Politics and Artistic Practices
29. Oliver Marchart, Staging the Political: (Counter-)Publics and the Theatricality of Acting
VE/13 Yana Milev, *M *A *D *V *E *R *T *I *S *E*. The Album
C: Commentary by Yana Milev: Madvertise Yourself! The Madness of Self-Design via Mobile (App) Advertising and Social Media

ClusTer VI : DesIgN goVerNaNCe



30. Franco Berardi Bifo, Aesthetic Sensibility and the Genealogy of Economic Reason: From Protestant Indust-Reality to Baroque Semiocapital
31. Saroj Giri, WikiLeaks: the Radical Gesture and its Emptiness 32. Georg Franck, Mental Capitalism VE/14 Alexander Becherer, Paratropolis

Media Politics, Disaster Industries and the Zones beyond the Line

33. Joachim Kreysler, Relational Design between Disaster Capitalism, Public Health Diseases, Security Industries and Media Politics VE/15 Mikael Mikael, White Out
34. Kenichi Mishima, The Disempowered Public
35. Krystian Woznicki in collaboration with Christiane Schulzki-Haddouti, Magdalena Taube, Andi Weiland, CPJ: Project on the Media and Public Sphere in Times of Disaster Industries.
VE/16 Miki Mistrati, The Dark Side of Chocolate
C: Commentary by Yana Milev: The Chocolate Industry’s Camouflage Politics

Counter ID Agencies

VE/17 UBERMORGEN.COM, Scheinbar unscheinbar: It’s different, because it’s completely different!
C: Alain Bieber interviews UBERMORGEN.COM: WOPPOW: Somali Pirate Fashion
C: Commentary by REINIGUNGSGESELLSCHAFT: Creating Social Practice

ClusTer VII : DesIgN soCIology



36. Gabriel Tarde, Mimikry: Social Resemblances and Imitation Perspectives for a Design Sociology I
37. Martina Löw, The Emergence of Space through the Interplay of Action and Structures Perspectives for a Design Sociology II
38. Stephan Moebius and Sophia Prinz, Society’s Design/Designing Society Perspectives for a Design Sociology III
VE/19 Yana Milev, Destination Eternal Beauty/Beautiful Eternity. Designing a Societal Obsession B Mobility
39. Tom Holert and Mark Terkessidis, The State of Mobility and its Territorial Effect
40. Philip Ursprung, Precarious Bodies: Containerization and Design
VE/20 Olivier Coulange, The Cell Phone’s Point of View
C: Commentary by Yana Milev: The Revolution Will Not be Authorized

Survival (Emergency Design)

41. Mark Kammerbauer, Socio-spatial Phenomena of Urban Disaster: Schismourbanism as ‘Design’
42. Gabriele Hadl, “This is a human emergency” – Ecology and Media after Fukushima
VE/21 Marjetica Potrč, The Urgent House
C: Commentary by Yana Milev: Hybrid Dwellings in the Zones of Anomy

ClusTer VIII: DesIgN eThNology


Habitus and Habitat

VE/22 Pierre Bourdieu, Report of Precarity C: Commentary by Franz Schultheis: Pierre Bourdieu and Algeria: An Elective Affinity

B Relation and Cooperation

43. Henk Oosterling, Dasein as Design: Every Thing is Made of Some Thing
44. Richard Sennett, The Craftsman or: The Relational Design Between Hand, Head and Social Cooperation
VE/23 Yana Milev, Kyudō: The Way of the Bow

Scapes and Islands

45. David d’Heilly, Global Islands: Learning from the Galapagos Megalopolis
46. Manuel Arias-Maldonado, Wikipedia: The Collective Design of a Digital Planet
VE/24 Remy Markowitsch, On Travel: «Tristes Tropiques»

Migration and Demarcation

47. Nils Zurawski, Divided by Design: On Cognitive Maps and Material Culture in the Northern Ireland Conflict
48. Christian Ritter, Migration Design: Research on Aesthetic and Social Practices in the Context of Transcultural Identity Formation
VE/25 Michael Blum, Exodus 2048
C: Miri Stern interviewed by Lotte Müller in Voice of the Buurt, Rotterdam, 20 March 2068

Book 4


ClusTer IX: DesIgNINg TeChNologIes


Programming Intelligence: Technikphilosophie

49. Peter Weibel, The World as a Rewriting Program: On the Progress of Culture through Transcription
50. Paul Virilio, Cinema Isn’t I See, It’s I Fly

Artificial Intelligence: Embodiment and Interaction

51. Roger Frantz, Herbert A. Simon and The (Design) Siences of the Artificial
52. Joachim Halse, Between Design and Anthropology: Improvising Embodied Interaction
53. Sophie Houdart, Welcome to the “Small People-Texture Industry”! Human Figures in Architectural Perspective Drawings
VE/26 PeterWelz,Airdrawings
C: Commentary by Yana Milev: Kinaisthetic Embodiment in William Forsythe’s Airdrawings: A Project by Peter Welz.

Deconstructing Intelligence: De-Design (War)Technologies

54. Bruce D. Larkin, Denuclearization Design: Political De-Design After Fukushima
55. Wolfgang Fach, Worlds After
VE/27 Knowbotic Research, be prepared! tiger stealth!
C: Commentary by Matthew Fuller: The Cat Seemed to Think There was Enough of it Now in Sight

ClusTer X: DesIgNINg The IN/VIsIBle


Designing Sur/Faces

56. Jacques Rancière, The Surface of Design
57. Graham Ward, Postsecularity? The New Public Faces of Religions
VE/28 Gregor Schneider, Cube
C: Commentary by Yana Milev: The (Non)Face of the (Un)Seen: A Suprematist Antithesis

Designing Visual Representations

58. Irit Rogoff, We—Collectivities, Mutualities, Participations
VE/29 Gundula Schulze Elodowy, The Ungraspable Face
C: Commentary by Gundula Schulze-Elodowy: The Gaze is Answered by the Gazed-Upon

Designing the In/Visible

59. Peter Berz, Biological Aesthetics: (A)Symmetry and (In)Visibility in the Appearance of a Blueprint
VE/30 Philipp Beckert, Trace and Testimony
60. Giorgio Agamben, The Kingdom and the Glory
VE/31 Armin Linke, Designing Invisible Emanations of Sovereignity

Book 5

ClusTer XI: CrITICal DesIgN IN(Ter)VeNTIoN/ DesIgN CrITIQue


Participatory Design/Socially Responsible Design

61. Cynthia E. Smith, World Design to End Poverty
62. Marjetica Potrč, Participatory Design
VE/32 United_Bottle Group, United_Bottle Participate!
C: Commentary by Dirk Hebel and Jörg Stollman: See Garbage, Think Resource!

Design In(ter)vention

VE/33 Lisa Kirk, Revolution Fragrance
C: Commentaries by Lia Gangitano: Lisa Kirk: Revolution Fragrance Thorsten Schmitz: A New Fragrance. The Stink of Revolution
VE/34 Christina Hemauer and Roman Keller, A Road not Taken

Crossbench Design

63. Markus Miessen, Crossbench Praxis as a Mode of Criticality
64. Brian Holmes, Swar/m/achine E/35 MINDPIRATES, dropping knowledge
C: Commentary by Mindpirates: We Ask Ourselves


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